Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Your Job Search Is Like Playing Sports

Why Your Job Search Is Like Playing SportsWhy Your Job Search Is Like Playing Sports1If getting excited for a job search were as easy as getting excited for the big game, wed all be winners Wondering how or why your job search is like playing sports? Well, according to the job search infographic below, preparation methods used to win the game can also be applied to a job search.Job Seekers Play Offense and DefenseJust like a great sport team, job seekers need to learn to play offense and defense. By usingyour network in a strategic manner, you are able to call the shots and get your plays in motion. On the defense, job seekers should have great references and letters of recommendation to meet their competition head-on.Your Stats Are ImportantSports idols are also very mindful of their stats, and job seekers should be too. By managing and perfecting your resume, portfolio, and social media accounts, you keep your best stats out there for your fans. Make sure to tweak each of these ite ms and keep them up to date with the best and most mind-blowing information.A Job Seeker Playbook Is EssentialFinally, job seekers should keep a playbook after all, you are the coach and the team. Keep yourself and your job search organized by writing out your goals and establishing strategies to reach them. This includes managing your calendar and obtaining the necessary tools and resources to win. Try using a job search journal to create your own playbook.Heres the full infographic, which further describes how and why your job search is like playing sportsReaders,which game-like tactic do you think would increase your job search success? How is your job search like playing sports? Share with us in the comment section below

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